Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Always Building Partnerships & Friendships Too!

Happy Monday Friends/Partners!

The other day I got an email from a FreeSpirit customer who expressed an interest in maintaining and improving upon her relationship with the new FreeSpirit management.  My answer to that is YES, YES & YES again!

In this industry, I find the people to be super friendly and kind which is such a breathe of fresh air.  This is the opposite from my legal and stock trading careers….to some extent.  With that, please know that we too want to build our friendship and partnership with you.  We want to meet you.  We want to talk to you.  We want to get to know you.  We want to be there for you when you have a problem.   We want to hear all about it when you have a great success story too.  It’s a very simple concept and you can count on us to have your back and be there for you the whole way through.

The catch is that you need to reach out to us to get the ball rolling.  If you come to one of our booths at the Quilt Market, we of course will make all efforts to welcome you and say hello.  If we see you at one of our sponsored schoolhouses, we will definitely say hello and give you a warm welcome.  On the other hand, if you see me or my brother, Greg, or my dad, or any of our employees in passing, the onus is on you to break the ice.  We will be nothing short of perfect gentlemen and women.  To put the onus on us to say hello to everyone might get a little overwhelming to say the least.  I think you get my drift.  To reiterate, we beg you to come over and say “hi” because that is where we need our long-term relationship to begin .  That’s all it takes to get the ball rolling.  After that, it should be smooth sailing.

Other ways to keep everything sailing smoothly with the Jaftex Companies include the following:

  1. It is critical that you pay your bills on time.  All of our companies are interconnected now so it is imperative to stay up to date on all payments.  Your failure to pay just one bill on time will get you all tied up and we don’t want that happening to you.  Moreover, coming June, we are moving to Milberg Factors Inc. and they will likely be stricter than our in house credit team.  Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
  2. It is imperative that you communicate problems with us asap.  Don’t be shy.  Don’t waste time.  If something is on your mind, get it out in the open and let’s deal with it right away.   Don’t let it fester and irritate you.   The sooner we handle it, the more likely we can resolve it.  With that, here is my contact information for you to use when you hit a dead end or you are not satisfied with a resolution.  Let’s agree here to elevate “big” issues to my attention and not the “small stuff” that you can resolve with our customer service reps if you know what I mean.

scott@jaftex.com    800-294-9495 x 218

That’s the important stuff in a nutshell.  Greg and I plan to be in this business for a very long time so there is no better time than now to get our long term partnership and friendship started.  To new friends, old friends, new partners and old partners!  Cheers!

Friendly Fortunoff

P.S……Here is where you can find my Executive Facebook page.

P.S.S.… Also, please subscribe to my blog and get notifications when new blogs are posted.  Look up on the right side of this blog to register.

650 words including these and those below.

This is the sewing machine I give away for free. Please feel free to purchase one, and give it away too! Or Recommend it! Or love it!


  • Kara

    To say that I’ve heard this sermon before, would be putting it mildly. But, wow! Your version has been the friendliest, while still maintaining a business undertone. Well done! (Yes, slightly tongue in cheek. But I Was impressed.)

  • Joanne Hubbard

    I love that you make yourself and your company approachable, and that you are straight forward here with all aspects of the business. It sure does fall into place with the idealistic view that I have of quilting and sewing in general. You know, the idea that we are all good people who want to fondle fabric, make quilts, make some money, and have fun in the process. By the way, I’m not counting, but like you I am trying to be less verbose in my comments. 🙂 Have an awesome week!

  • Sue Bartlett

    Thank you so much Scott. Your ethos regarding customer care is refreshing. I am a great KFC fan, so will look at your future posts with interest. Enjoy your trip to the UK. Perhaps those of us who live here will get a chance to meet you at a later date. Kind regards Sue.