Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Bits ‘N” Pieces

For those of you that are new to my blogs, I have a couple of different formats for blog posts.  This one is called Bits ‘N’ Pieces and it is just tidbits of stuff instead of a one subject post.

This week I am heading to Allison Park, PA to visit with Karen Montgomery of The Quilt Company.  Karen is a very active quilt shop owner, FabShop article writer and event coordinator among many other things.  Needless to say, Karen is busy, but she gets stuff done which is what I love about her.  Recall that she is the brains behind the #sewrevolution #sewdays event and she deserves a big shout out for that.


I arrive in PA Wednesday afternoon.  We are going right in to a lecture/talk by me at 6 to 8 pm at the Hampton Community Center.   I hope attendees are ready to engage in discussions about the industry and everything that is fabric.  And yes, I will have free giveaways.

On Thursday at 11 am eastern standard time, I will be posting a FB live tour of Karen’s shop.  I  am sure Karen will have plenty of eye candy to share so grab some popcorn and get cozy on your couch.  If that isn’t enough, Karen has a #sewdays event that same afternoon and do you know who is going to be participating?  Yes, me!  I am continuing on my sewing journey and there is no doubt that I will pick up some good tips from Karen and crew.  I am so psyched that I get to participate in a #sewdays event.  It was very important for me to see a #sewdays event for myself so now I can talk about it knowledgeably through experience and not anecdotal evidence.

Today at 430 pm eastern standard time, I will be posting another Facebook live.  I will be showing off all the lines that the Jaftex Companies shipped in June.  This is going to be a new series that I create every month.  I am hopeful that this will help shops and consumers connect in a meaningful way in order to facilitate the sale and purchase of more of the Jaftex fabrics.  I also want to help generate increased traffic to shops.  I thought this series would be a good addition and it would help to stimulate discussions, actions and sales.  Hey, at least I am trying.

I recently purchased another pallet of sewing machines to give to people suffering through tragedy or hardship.  I am excited to continue this charitable path of giving back and paying it forward to those struggling in life.  Since posting about the pallet of machines, I have received loads of fresh requests, which is a good thing, but I have had to let a bunch of people down since they didn’t meet the criteria of my mission.  Below, I will list the criteria (please read carefully if you plan to send a request):

  • I have a backlog of requests so be patient.  Don’t forget that it took me almost a full year to give away 100 machines.  Do not resend your request or ask for updates.
  • If I ask for an address and phone number, that is a good sign that one day you will be contacted by me to discuss the reasons why you think I should send you a new machine.  This increases your likelihood of receiving a machine.  I just don’t know if it will be next month or next year or what.
  • My machines are not for groups.  I give machines to individuals who will “own” the machines and reap the benefits thereof for life.
  • United States only.
  • You must not have any easy access to a machine.  Even if you have a crappy old machine, you still have a machine in my book and that is a lot more than others.
  • Here is the only place where you should be posting sewing machine request.  Do not email me unless I email you first.  Do not send requests to my personal or work facebook pages.
  • I have a process that I follow to manage this program.  I handle this totally on my own so this process keeps me in line and organized.  Help me help you by not messing with my processes and distracting me from the end goal.
  • Thank you!

Those are the bit’s ‘n pieces that I have for you this week.  Have a great week! I sure hope you can engage with me on some of the things that I mention above.  Your participation is helping to fuel the stimulating and engaging activities that are going on in social media today and everyday.


P.S……Here is where you can find my Executive Facebook page.

821 words including these and those below.

This is the sewing machine I give away for free. Please feel free to purchase one, and give it away too! Or Recommend it! Or love it!



  • Scott Fortunoff

    Hi Anita,
    Thank you! They don’t call me straight forward Scott for nothing. You have a great day too! What article did you read about me? I hope they were nice.
    Have a great weekend.

  • Quilting Jeannie

    Good blog, as usual. While I am not a candidate for a sewing machine, I will always accept discarded fabrics. Lol. Love children’s fabrics especially for pillowcases I make for Pillowcases4Smiles.
    What you are doing for fabric awareness and sales is so smart. A while back you sent me 2 yards of your memory Anniversary fabric. And it worked. I ran out to two of my local quilt shops and bought $60 worth of Tim Holtz fabrics to go with that! Need one more piece for after I get my quilt made.
    Anyway, thanks for all you do. It is working.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Quilting Jeannie,
      I still want to know who you really are. Thanks for the compliments.
      Keep up the good work.