Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Delegating Responsibility Is A Game Changer

My dad used to belong to this organization called YPO.  This was Young President’s Organization and it helped to unite presidents of companies in the New York area.  It was a sounding board of presidential peers.

Anyway, my dad always has great business ideas, concepts and thoughts that he learned from the members of this organization.  One in particular that I want to discuss here is this:   Let someone else do the things you don’t like to do.  In other words, delegate.

I first want to focus on the word “like.”   If you take away the things you DON’T like from your daily chores, that means you are only left doing things you do like.   Hmmm…I think we are on to something here.  So the thought of only doing the things you like and enjoy is an amazing concept to me.   Man, that sounds enticing!

So today I am here to preach delegation.  The problem and irony here is that I don’t practice what I preach and I am a total hypocrite for that.  I am too ocd and anal retentive (can I say that here?) to let someone else do my work for me.  There are so few things that I could let go and let someone else do for me.  It truly is a shame, but it is my reality and you all know that I am a realist.   That being said, I have been getting better at delegating as I get busier with all that’s going on lately.  It’s a work in progress for me, but hopefully something you can implement yourself and reap the fruits of your labor delegation.

The thing is that delegating frees up so much of your day for more productive things and fun things that you like.  Get on it and you will see how much more you enjoy what you do!

Are you a delegator?  Or more like me?

Have a great week!


P.S……Here is where you can find my Executive Facebook page.

366 words including these and those below.

This is the sewing machine I give away for free. Please feel free to purchase one, and give it away too! Or Recommend it! Or love it!


  • Bonnie

    I signed up when you started your blog but I don’t get any notifications by email that you have updated it. When I signed up I got confirmation that I signed up. Not sure why I am not getting the emails stating you have updated.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Bonnie,
      I have my social media person looking into this. You can count on a post from me just about every monday am before noon.

  • Scott Fortunoff

    It sure is! 50 plus years in the business and he is a wealth of knowledge.
    Have a great weekend and keep selling!

  • Kara Benavides

    I think/know that my problem with delegating is that I don’t want to let go. Several reasons – not all apply every time: micro-managing (dirty words in my reality), perfectionist (worried they won’t do it as well as we want it). It is like giving chores to your offspring/spouse/etc.. You have to give the other person room to grow, which might include making some mistakes. But it could also be that they do that job better than you/me, or just as well but in a different way. I tend to disbelieve anyone who says they have perfected delegation.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Kara,
      I guess that puts us in the same boat. It’s not as easy as you would hope. That being said, those that do it well are rewarded. have a great night.

  • Chris Barker

    Great topic Scott! Delegation is definitely an important and very necessary skill. When building a company and brand it’s hard to let go because you want to manage every aspect – it’s your baby after all. Learning to delegate is a key component for sure, however developing repeatable and scalable processes that allows you to direct attention and resources to new tasks and strategies is something to consider as well.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Good Morning Chris,
      I hear you! Great comment and good points. Again, it’s just a matter of being able to let go and accept the work of others.
      Have a great weekend.

  • Katie Wyatt

    Have to say I love your new blog format and the photo of you facing the ocean. I admire your never-ending energy and dedication to everything you do. As far as [me] delegating … well, it’s pretty hard to do that when you’re retired and your day is filled with various sewing projects that will be given away to put a smile on someone’s face. Don’t forget to keep us readers updated on your progress of delegating.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi katie,
      I am glad you like the new blog format. I am enjoying it too. Soon I will post a little orientation so everyone knows what the site has to offer. Thanks for your kind comments. I do enjoy what i do, so it does make it that much easier.
      One day, I too will retire….well maybe, but until then I need to work on my delegating skills. It will continue to be work in progress. I will be sure to keep you posted.
      Have a great weekend.

  • Patricia Lavallee

    I have a really hard time delegating.. had 4 babies, hubby with a career, I owned a business & lost my parents @32 years old. It was just so much easier to say just get out of my way so I knew things would get done! Now I’m 66 & while I still revert to that a lot of the time I’m glad the hubby & friends are with me. Converting garage into sewing room so I can finally have a “my space” & can teach my non sewing friends & make the 100&& projects I have planned over the years… delegating is a work in progress….big smile here..

  • Joanne Hubbard

    Delegation is very challenging for me, which means that I am often running ragged as deadlines approach, and that is definitely not a good thing. I’m kind of a control freak and letting go is not easy, but I’m learning to do it. I’ve recently realized and accepted the fact that it’s awful presumptuous of me to assume that only I can do everything and do it all right. Of course that is a humbling realization, but it sure is freeing. Have a great week!

  • Barbara Esposito, TheQuiltedB

    Ha! Delegate?? Not a chance. I am a bit too much like you (and yes, you can say anal retentive here!) and need to keep all my ducks in a row. I would not say that I am ocd though…more like CDO – it’s like ocd, but in alphabetical order as it should be! Lets both work on this skill, hey Scott?