Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Doing Good Could Be Addictive, But Be Careful


I have been debating back and forth for awhile whether or not I should share this crazy story or just keep it between me and me and the other person involved.  Mind you, I have only told one person this story and it was not until just recently.  I didn’t even tell my wife yet….sorry Laurie.

On a trip to South Carolina many months ago,  I took an Uber to my hotel.  As I usually do, I started chatting up the driver and making small talk.  Nothing out of the ordinary until the driver opened up about the fact that her boyfriend was abusing her and her child and her world was a total mess.  I of course hated to hear that and felt so sad for her.  I am a sucker and do have compassion for others….probably a little too much sometimes as my wife would probably tell you.  Hence, that is why I didn’t tell her.  Yeah, I know this might get me in to some hot water.

Anyway, with the sewing machine giveaway and other charitable work putting me on a high of late, I thought that I could help out Tiffanie.  As I exited the car, I gave her my card and told her to reach out and I would see what I could do.  I know, it isn’t my business to butt in to people’s lives, but hearing her tell her story made me sad and made me want to try and help to promote some change for her.

Fast forward a couple weeks, lo and behold she reached out to me.  We spoke and tried to talk through what was going on and how I might be able to help.  I didn’t feel right just sending her money because that would be a little over the top even though I truly did believe what she was telling me all true.  After awhile, I agreed to finance her car being fixed so at the least she could try to continue to drive and make a living with Uber.  Hopefully that money she earned would help her to improve her situation or at least keep her employed.

A couple days later, I hear from the auto repair shop and they tell me the cost to repair her car and I pay.  The young lady is very appreciative beyond words.  We speak a couple times after that through email.  I kept trying to encourage her to stay focused and get her life in order for herself and her son.  I kept urging her to focus on the goal.

Then things were quiet and I hadn’t heard from her in a bit.  I figured it was a good thing and I was hopeful that I did in fact help her out and she got her life back on track.  Then one day as I am sitting at my desk at work, I get a real mysterious email.  You aren’t going to believe this…well, maybe you will.  The email was from a woman’s correctional facility.  Oy veh!  What did I get myself in to?

There it was, an email from Tiffanie saying:

“Scott, I really need you to bail me out of here.  I will explain everything after, it’s all a big misunderstanding.”

Man O Man!  It was time for me to throw in the towel.  This was beyond the scope of what I signed up for and at this point I didn’t believe that she was in there for a misunderstanding.  I figured she was desperate and desperate people do desperate things sometimes.  Unfortunately, she got caught.

I wrote back:

“Dear Tiffanie, I am sorry to hear about this, but I tried to help you the best I could.   I didn’t expect something as extreme as this to happen and you are going to have to deal with the consequences of your actions.”  

That was it.  I have never heard from her again.  Long story short, doing good feels really good, but you can’t always fix other people’s problems.  I guess it was the thought that counted.

Have a great week.

Before I sign off, I wanted to encourage my readers to post comments.  Considering that I just came in to loads of new precuts, I wanted to share those with my followers and especially those who read my blogs.  So with that, every 20th comment will receive a little something from me (up to 300 comments or 15 prizes max).

Sad Scott

P.S..…Here is where you can find my Executive Facebook page.

P.S.S.… Also, please subscribe to my blog and get notifications when new blogs are posted.  Look up on the right side of this blog to register.

782 words including these.


This is the sewing machine I give away for free. Please feel free to purchase one, and give it away too! Or Recommend it! Or love it!