Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: Lower Pricing?

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about a few FreeSpirit price increases that were necessary to implement immediately.  The increased prices were, in my opinion, based on things that were clearly mis-priced under the previous regime.  Today, on the other hand, I am going to talk about some lower pricing.  Yes, you heard that right…lower pricing.  More about that in a little bit after I introduce you to the amazingly talented Keiko Goke.

Have you heard about Keiko Goke?  She is an international self-taught quilt icon from Sendai, Japan who has embraced quilting for over 40 years.  She graduated from Setsu Mode Seminar fashion school in 1969.  In 1978, she founded Quilt Circle Kei and had her first exhibition of many in 1979.  She has participated in many domestic and international competitions and, of course, has received many prestigious awards.

Keiko’s style includes a variety of irregular piecing and applique techniques.  In addition, she sometimes utilizes hand quilting to create a more rustic vibe.  Other times, she uses embroidery.  Needless to say, she has tons of tools in her arsenal to make remarkable art pieces.  Keiko loves to play with colors and this helps her to create explosive pieces that stand out among the crowd.  Check out this beauty below that is called “To Tomorrow.”  Wowser!

Keiko has written many books.  Her most recent one being “All My Thanks & Love to Quilts” which brings together 70 of her most extraordinary pieces created during her lengthy career.  If you are a Keiko fan or just love looking at beautiful quilts, this is a must.

You should also check out her website.  Her work will blow your mind.  After fishing around the website, I have serious respect for her amazing talents and am glad to know that she is a part of the FreeSpirit team.  What she creates is nothing short of magnificent works of art.  It’s absolutely mesmerizing.  Here’s another beauty.

What was the point of this post anyway?  Oh yeah, lower pricing.  Now that you know all about Keiko and have the resources to learn a lot more, you should know that we are lowering the pricing of her line called “How do you do?”  I re-costed Keiko’s fabric and determined that it was way too expensive and what would result would be that her fabrics would be priced out of the market and wouldn’t sell much.  There are limits to what the ultimate consumer can bear with respect to fabric prices.  That is the reality.

With that, we have significantly lowered the price for future orders and we are also lowering the price for all orders on the books.  Yes, I really did just say that.  For all you quilt shop owners, please revisit this line with your sales rep and reconsider purchasing it based on this new and more reasonable pricing, but also because Keiko is an absolute master.  The line is still higher priced than most other fabrics, but know that these goods are printed in Japan and they are printed on a higher quality piece of fabric.

To wrap things up, I wanted you to know that it isn’t always about higher pricing.  It’s more about fair pricing and trying to sell as much fabric as possible so everyone can enjoy the beautiful products we are producing.  It also shows that we are paying attention to the reality of our market and that we are not just trying to gouge everyone with outrageous prices.  We like to stay within the realm of where fabrics are priced…preferably in the middle and not the top.  My family is in this for the long haul and we are about building the brand, building the designers and building the relationships.

Have a great week!

Scott “How Do You Do?” Fortunoff

P.S……Here is where you can find my Executive Facebook page.

P.S.S.… Also, please subscribe to my blog and get notifications when new blogs are posted.  Look up on the right side of this blog to register.

695 words including these and those below.

This is the sewing machine I give away for free. Please feel free to purchase one, and give it away too! Or Recommend it! Or love it!


  • Roseline McIntosh

    Thank you so much for intruducing Keiko Goke, Marvellous creations, love at first sight !
    I am gonna have to keep my eyes open for some of her fabrics in my neck of the woods and / or on line shopping!.

  • Maru Soto

    Lower prices !! Great especially for us in Australia we’re the average fabric cost $18.00 and up .

    • Scott Fortunoff

      That’s a tough one. A lot of people touch the fabric before it gets to you. Sorry, but this is beyond my control.

  • Luisa Baum

    As I work in a very large quilt shop I understand exactly what goes into the pricing in the fabric we sell and I do agree that some fabric will cost more than others especially when they are superior, the thread count is higher, the fabric is smoother and almost has a silky satin feel to it. People will only buy as much as they can afford to so buying better quality in smaller cuts works too, you don’t have to miss out completely. Lowering prices of other fabric is good too, so everyone can still be a winner!

  • Kim Carron

    I will have to stick with mid- priced fabrics. But, I still make show stopping quilts, so I’m told by several people. But I do understand about price raising. If you want quality to pay for it.

  • Cathy Dickinson

    Will definitely have to take a look at Keiko’s website .. I have never purchased her fabric … really don’t know if I have ever seen her fabric in some of the quilt shops I purchase from .. I. Will make it priority to ask for them in the future for sure !!! Love your blogs !

  • pippin williams

    I love her fabric and will be able to buy more if the shops will carry more of it now. Yay, thanks so much. You da man.

  • Joanne Hubbard

    I love her work! I remember when I first saw some of her quilts. They included hearts and log cabins and I was instantly smitten. She has such amazing talent! I’m thrilled that her fabric prices will be reduced and hope that some of my “local” shops will carry them now. Happy Monday and have a great week!

  • Brenda

    I’m on social security and I hope I don’t get priced out of quilting. Fasset and Tula are already at $12.00 a yard here

  • Joan

    Fair pricing is most important. I will buy smaller cuts in the upper price range if they’re exactly what I *need,* but my go-tos are mid-range lines, where I can afford to buy bigger cuts of fabrics I *like.* I like lots of fabrics on hand to make showstopping bags, and fair pricing allows me that luxury.