Tales Of A Fourth Generation Textile Executive: One Challenge Ends & Another Begins

Happy Monday Friends,

As of the time that I am writing this blog post, the August 2018 Jaftex Facebook Live Shop Tour Challenge winner has still not yet been determined.  The winner will be the video challenger with the most likes as of September 3rd at 12 pm eastern standard time on my @jaftexpresident Facebook page.  At the time that the last video challenge submission was posted on August 31st, there were just over 70 entrants from mostly US shops and a couple from overseas and Canada.  As of this current moment, the top shop has over 750 likes.  As for the views, I saw a couple shops that received over 25,000 views which is some truly great exposure for them.

Now that the video challenge is over, it is time for a new challenge.  This challenge is for all those awesome consumers who are greatly appreciated and who we fabric suppliers and shop owners couldn’t live without.  Are you all ready for this?  I sure hope so because there will be prizes for the winners.  In order to make this a proper challenge, it will have to have a proper name.



  • No purchase is necessary.
  • Gist of the contest:  To see how many shops you can visit in the US and/or Canada during the nearly 3 month long contest.  When you visit each shop, please make sure to tell them that “Scott Fortunoff from Jaftex Corporation sent you.”
  • Duration:  The contest will start on Tuesday, September 4th and end Friday, November 30th.  No more visits after November 30th for the purposes of this contest, but please continue to visit shops as often as possible.
  • On Friday, November 30th, I will have a post on my @jaftexpresident Facebook page asking consumers to tell me how many shops they visited during the duration of the contest.  So in order to win, you must follow and like my @jaftexpresident page.  Consumers will have to indicate in the comments of that Facebook post the total number of shops visited.  On Friday, December 7, I will review the numbers and ask the 4 consumers who visited the most shops to show me proof of all the shops they visited.
  • Proof of visit:  I am flexible on the way you prove you visited the shops, but here is some guidance below.  I suggest trying to collect as much proof as possible and also to plan your proof ahead of time i.e. bring that day’s newspaper with you. Better to be safe with more proof than less.  The most important proof that I will need is something that shows me you visited the shop during the duration of the contest and not months or years ago prior to the when the contest started.
    • To prove the date:
      • You can include in your photo the front of that day’s newspaper or something with the month day and year.
      • You can include a receipt if you made a purchase at the shop.
      • You could use the date and time stamp on your phone if you could figure that out.
      • You can even post the photos from the visit on your Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or any other social media page on the day you visited.
      • Also, I am open to any other fool proof ways to show the date.
    • To prove the shop visited, here are ideas of things to include in the photos:
      • For starters, you must be in one, if not all, of the proof photos for each shop visited.
      • A picture in front of the shop’s signage.
      • A picture with the owner if that is not disruptive to the daily business and they are willing to pose.
      • A picture of you in the shop as long as there is something that makes it clear what shop you were in i.e. a sign, a banner or a flyer to name a few.
      • A picture of the shop’s business card.
      • A shopping bag from the store.
      • A credit card statement with a purchase from the store.
      • Anything else you could think of that would be clear evidence that you were in all the shops you said you were somewhere between September 4 to November 30, 2018.
  • When visiting the shops, please make sure not to disrupt the shop in anyway over this contest.
  • Who can participate?  The truth is that this contest is for everyone since we are all consumers.  The only exclusion would be fabric sales reps.
  • Territory:  This contest is open to consumers visiting shops in the US and Canada only.  Sorry, but this time around I am not making this a worldwide contest.
  • Warning:  This isn’t intended to be some crazy challenge where consumers are driving 100 miles per hour from one shop to the other.  Please drive safely and don’t do anything crazy or stupid to win.  The prizes aren’t that great and your life and safety are of the utmost importance.
  • Sponsors:  I wanted to remind you the names of all my companies so that you know who is sponsoring this contest.  I hope you will consider supporting all the brands of the companies that are supporting all these fun industry fabric challenges and contributing to the prizes.
    • A.E. Nathan Co., Inc.
    • Fabric Editions/3 Wishes.
    • FreeSpirit Fabrics.
    • Henry Glass Fabrics.
    • Studioe Fabrics.
    • The Blank Quilting Corp.


  • As mentioned above, there will be 4 winners.
    • First prize:  A $400 credit to your favorite quilt shop.
    • Second prize:  A $300 credit to your favorite quilt shop.
    • Third Prize:  A $200 credit to your favorite quilt shop.
    • Fourth Prize:  A $100 credit to your favorite quilt shop.
    • After the winners select their shop of choice, I will be in touch with the shop owner about a proper way to arrange the credit.
    • All winners will also get some TBD precut fabrics from me.  The amount of precut fabric will be based on what place you came in i.e. first place will get the most.


  • All questions must be posted in the comments section of this blog or in the Facebook post that this blog is posted in on the Scott Fortunoff Executive FB Page.  I will answer all questions within a day or two.  All questions will be answered in the location where they are asked so everyone can see the questions and answers.
  • Do not email me personally or anyone else in my organization or you will be disqualified.  Sorry, but I need to control my life and I can’t have a lot of emails about this contest filling my in box or taking up my co-workers’ time.  This is all me and no one else is involved.
  • Please do not call me or reach out to me any other way.  Calling or other unapproved contact will result in you being disqualified.
  • This is my contest and I will make all final determinations and decisions related to it.

Ready?  Set?  GO! GO! GO!





  • Diane

    Got to my first shop this morning. Hate pics of myself but understand the need to prove it was actually me that went. Posted pics on Instagram #scottsentme

  • Jill Fraczek

    Hi Scott, your contest sounds like fun. Too bad I live in an isolated area. Oh well, just reading your rules and regulations made me laugh. I like your sense of humor!!!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Jill,
      As I have said before, my contests are not perfect. I try to appeal to as many people as possible, but like anything else it’s challenging to please everyone. Glad you like my sense of humor….I like it too. LOLOLOL.
      Have a great week.

  • Linda Stoner

    So, the shops are not limited to just the ones that had videos?
    (Though many of the videos posted were lovely and I would love to visit.)

  • Cyndee

    Haven’t seen this asked yet, I know you said no online brick and mortar only … Can hobby lobby be included? I frequent it almost as much as I do a stand alone fabric shop. Think I know the answer but wanted to verify. Excited about this challenge, be fun even if I don’t win.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Cyndee,
      No chain stores as they do not carry Studioe, Blank, Henry Glass or FreeSpirit. Sorry.

  • Kathy Leake

    A single picture of me holding a readable receipt from the shop would satisfy both date and visit requirements? If I can’t figure out the date/time stamp on my phone, then I’m thinking one would likely need 2 photos per shop — one to somehow show the date and one to show me at the shop? Is that right? Do I need to be in both the date and the visit photos?

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Kathy,
      Yes, a single picture of you holding a readable receipt with a day would satisfy both. In some cases, you might need 2 forms of proof. I would like you in as many of the pictures as possible. Hope that helps.

  • Lisa Bourgeault

    Woohoo! So glad I have planned trips to the East Coast this month (not specifically for quilting shops, but honestly, don’t we all try to hit the shops everywhere we go?), so I can do those shops and my local ones. Just one question….I’m assuming we only need one form of proof for each shop? Thanks for doing this!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Lisa,
      Read the blog about the proof. If you photo shops the shop, you and the date, that works. Hope that helps.

  • Kara E Benavides

    Wow! Did you just give us permission to use your name as a reason to increase our stash to volumns hitherto not even dreamed of? Well, that is what I heard. 😀 Seriously: I have been using your name and related companies when I go to fabric shops already. There are other fabric makers/distributers. But your effort to relate to us bottom-feeders is enough to make me choose your stuff when given the choice. Now, how to convince my (adult) kids that, “Mom needs more fabric.”

    • Scott Fortunoff

      That’s one way to look at it Kara. Again, don’t forget that there is no purchase necessary.
      I truly appreciate that you are mentioning me and my companies when you are visiting the shops. That helps to show the shop owners that we at Jaftex care and are pulling for the retailers. Have fun in the contest. Good luck.

  • Julie McAuliffe

    Great contest Scott! We’d love to help people with pictures, receipts, or whatever they need for their “proof” when they visit Always Quilting! And we will be happy to give them the Always Quilting Jaftex tour when the come to the shop so they can see all the wonderful Jaftex fabrics we carry!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Julie,
      Thanks. Glad you like the concept of the contest. I am sure with all you have planned that you will definitely get some new customers. Thanks for being so enthusiastic.
      Have a great week.

  • Linda Williams

    Bingo. What fun. It will be a treasure hunt of sorts, and hopefully everyone will find treasures at each shop. The Nimble Thimble in Gilroy, California is hoping to be on all of the winner’s lists!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Linda,
      Thanks for your comment. With all the exposure you just got with the last contest, I would hope you shop was on everyone’s list. That being said, don’t forget that “There is no purchase necessary.”
      Have a great week.

  • Joy mainemer

    Thank you for all you have been doing to include all quilting efforts. Can i go to the same shop multiple times lol

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Joy,
      You are welcome. I am continuing to try to shake things up and be different.
      And NO you can’t visit the same shop multiple times.
      Have a great week.

  • Judy Brackman

    Do we ask the shop owners if they buy from Jaftex? Or do we see if they carry any of your fabric brands? Just wondering.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Judy,
      NOPE! That is not part of the contest. The contest is for consumers to visit as many shops as possible in general in the US and Canada.
      Have fun and be safe.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Cathy From Wish as we like to call you,
      Hope you had a nice weekend. Appreciate the kind note. Please spread the word. I too am anxious to see how it plays out. I am picturing all the consumers packing up their cars and road tripping. It’s a cute visual. Have a great week.

  • Susan Vicary

    Sounds like fun. I’m assuming that the proof will be transmitted electronically? Or you’ll come to us?
    piecefully yours,
    Susan Vicary

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Susan,
      Very cute question. Actually, I was thinking that you would have to come to me in New York. But seriously, yes, electronic transmission would be best. Or regular mail. Whatever works.
      Have a great week.

  • Martha Narino-Torres

    Great contest! Wishing all shoppers in the contiguous U.S. happy travels!! Here in Southeast Alaska finding multiple quilt shops requires a boat ?‍♀️ or ✈️ plane ride out of town. I imagine our Hawaii friends might be in a similar situation. Nevertheless, what an exciting contest!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hi Martha,
      Thanks for the comment. I understand the struggles, but I said to someone else, my contests aren’t perfect. I didn’t create the world nor did I put all the quilt shops where they are located. I just try to make the contests available to as many people as possible and hope they enjoy it. I do try to also be as inclusive as possible. Outside of that, nothing is simple and lots of people are challenged. There will be other contests that work for you and not others. Such is life. Have a great week.

  • Michelle Tothill

    Woohoo another great contest.

    As an Island dwelling university student, I will not be travelling too far from home over the next 8 months. But I will make the pledge to get to all the quilt shops on Vancouver Island during this time frame.

    I chuckled with the requirement to provide proof, and that it did not have to be a receipt. I have never walked out of a quilt shop empty handed. I was at two shops around Vancouver BC last week that stock some of your lines. At one I spent $130, the other almost $230.

    Thank you for bringing a sense of fun to the business side of quilting.

    Best Regards,

    Michelle Tothill

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Thanks Michelle. Wishing you much luck in the contest. Don’t forget, no purchase is necessary, but then again what’s the point of going?

    • Lisa McCann

      Well, one point of going is for the inspiration!!! I always study the shop samples and the displays when I visit a shop. And sometimes those samples and displays have inspired me to buy stuff that I hadn’t planned on!

  • Melanie

    Great idea! Too bad my quilting buddy and I already did our road trip from Illinois to Wyoming shop hopping all the way there and back and a quilt show in the middle. We were spreading quilting cheer and supporting the local economies in Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming. Even shopped at a Colorado based Shop at the quilt show. Took pictures with the shops’ owners/staff along the way as well (tossed all evidence of funds dispersed ?). Our prizes were Lots of fabulous fabrics, meeting great people, eating awesome food- shop owners/staff gave us the best suggestions for restaurants (we needed sustenance after shopping)! We shall give this challenge a go but we may be a bit shopped out at this point! Thanks for your enthusiasm and dedication to the quilting/fabric world.

  • Cindy Osterland

    Thank you Scott! It has been so much fun watching the videos. The Payne sisters are going to have a great time shopping!

  • Mary Vaughan

    Do we have to visit in person or can we stop in at a site or order on line?? I am unable to travel but can cusit via on line.

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Yes, this contest does require visiting brick and mortar shops. Sorry, but it’s hard some times to make it work for everyone. Next time.

  • Sandy Weatherford

    Sounds like fun! Do multiple vendors at quilt shows count as a shop each or are you counting only brick and mortar shops? How about online quilt shop orders? This is the perfect contest for Happy Quilting!

  • Naomi Campbell

    What you and your family are going for our incredible industry is amazing – Thankyou and WOW this is awesome

  • Lisa Bender

    Hi Scott, I love that you are reaching out to our customers. I can’t speak for all stores but I have no problem having a guest book at the sales desk at my store. I would have the visitors sent by you sign their name, date visited and maybe write down their favorite Jaftex fabric line or designer. ( I am open to suggestions as to what to have them write.)

  • Barbara Esposito, The Quilted B

    Scott, I am smiling from ear to ear. You are indeed a genius! This post has so many wonderful things about it that it would be almost impossible for me to list them all. Suffice it to say, YOU.are.a.genius! And of course you can “make all the final determinations and decisions related to it”! It’s your party, and a darn fun one too! Keep on being wonderfully fun. You made my day!

    • Scott Fortunoff

      Hey Barb,
      Glad to have gotten you excited. I guess that’s the point, right? Good luck. Have fun.