Thank You, Thank You Very Much!
In October, I attended the Quilt Market in Houston. Seeing all my fabric peeps at the Quilt Market got me thinking about how thankful I am for all the people in my life as I couldn’t do what I do without them. Let me start off by saying, “Thank you” to everyone in my work and personal life. A person just can’t say thank you enough as my mom instilled upon me as a child.
Now, I would like to call out some specific groups of people for which I am so thankful:

Customers: I must start at the beginning and say thanks to all of our Jaftex customers. Without you all, I would have nothing. As I have probably mentioned a zillion times before, when I came into the business, the first thing my dad said to me was, “Scott, you need to focus on one thing.” What is that one thing? Selling! He elaborated to say, “Sales drive the entire business.” Ain’t that the truth?
Thank you to all the customers that help drive our business. You are all greatly appreciated. I hope you recognize the appreciation I attempt to show through all the things that I do to help and push you to be better business people and how I work tirelessly to keep you content. This is why I not only consider you customers, but I consider you partners and friends!

Licensed Designers: The business and sales are only as good as the fabric prints that Jaftex offers for sale. As such, I couldn’t do it without the most amazing lineup of extremely talented artists on the Jaftex roster. These designers are the backbone of our business. They are leaders in the industry. They are the people that consumers adore and even worship in some cases. Aren’t we lucky?
The designers help to drive sales with their extensive portfolios of designs and the endless amount of creativity that they throw at us and we share with the rest of the world. A big thank you to our amazingly talented licensed designers!
Sellers: Sticking with the point that sales drive the business, I certainly couldn’t do it without all the hard-working people who sell our fabrics. Of course, these are the road warrior sales reps that schlep all around their territories to do their part in contributing to our sales. They have to deal with all the elements, but they keep pushing ahead to get our fabrics to your most beloved fabric resellers. These guys don’t have it easy, but they continue day in and day out with a smile. Thank you valued sales reps!
I also must thank our domestic and international distributors. They too serve an important role in driving the sales we need to keep the business running on all cylinders. Thank you for helping to get our fabrics to all corners of the earth.
Employees: What can I say about my employees? I am truly blessed with a fabulous and loyal bunch. Some of them have been with us for 10, 20, 30, and even 54 years (Lenny!). This is a testament to their dedication to our business. I am so thankful for that. Like sales, I would have nothing without the endless contributions from our employees. Thank you to the entire Jaftex team! You guys rock!
Family: I must tread lightly here so I am going to start off smartly (lol). Thank you to my amazingly supportive and patient wife. I couldn’t do what I do without you! I love you! (I wonder if she will read this?)
While I am here, thanks to my boys (A&B) for also being supportive and patient. An especially big thanks to B5G (Fifth generation) for so graciously blessing the social media world with his cuteness and humor. I love the moments we have together when making the videos. I hope you can one day enjoy these videos with your kids. For the sake of not leaving anyone out, thanks A5G for being you!
I couldn’t do it without my business partners either. Of course, there is dear old dad who is the sage of the clan. He is full of business wisdom and textile knowledge. I am thankful for the wisdom he has imparted on me and continues to impart on me. Thanks Dad!
Then there is my brother who is going to continue to be my business partner in crime for many years to come. I am thankful for his business acumen and overall management style. I am thankful that he likes doing the things I don’t like to do and vice versa. I am thankful for how well we work together and mesh. That is worth its weight in gold… is he! Thanks Greg!

I would be remiss if I forgot my mom, sister, my dog, Charlie and other extended family members and friends. Thanks to all of you guys too for your never-ending support and love!
I wanted to thank the person that is reading this blog right now. And what about all those people who follow my companies and me on social media? You! Yes, you! I wouldn’t be able to fabric-tain the textile world if it weren’t for all of you fabulous supporters. Thanks for being like sponges and sopping up all the textile knowledge and behind-the-scenes that I can serve up. I love being able to serve you all and sure hope I can maintain this for as long as I am in the business!
Finally, I want to have one blanket thank you for everyone else. People like our suppliers, truck drivers, boat drivers, people working in the plants printing our fabrics, delivery people, accountants, lawyers, mail people, and sew on. We appreciate all of you too!
Thank you! Wishing you a fabulous end to the year and holiday season!

The Pak Crafts
Scott, your gratitude resonates warmly through your words. Your appreciation for customers, designers, sellers, employees, and family creates a genuine atmosphere. Your acknowledgment of every contributor, from family to suppliers, reflects a true understanding of a collective effort. Wishing you continued success and joy in your textile journey!
Jane Barr
Thank you for all you do and to all the people you mention as well. We wouldn’t keep doing what we live to do without all the Jaftex wonderful fabrics we love to create with and the myriad of people who are involved in bringing them to us all. We are truly blessed. Happy Thanksgiving.
Sherri Huff
What a beautiful and heartfelt article! I’m thankful and grateful for you Scott and your fabulous Jaftex company! Love all your beautiful fabrics!!!
Wishing all a Joy Filled and Blessed Thanksgiving and Holiday Season!
Sheila Calhoun
Thankful and appreciative to you and your company for you do for all of us! So glad to have found you and your products to share in my small business! I love your quality products and so do my customers!! Happy Thanksgiving!
This industry is truly one of the most fun and rewarding ones I’ve ever been in! Thanks for all you’ve done to help, and Greg, too, is wonderful –Quilted Twins in Dade City, FL
Katie Wyatt
Scott, I am thankful for you – for your endless knowledge you share ever so freely, for your generousity and goodness, and for your endless examples of kindness towards others. There should be more Scott Fortunoff’s in the world – it would be a better place for sure! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Susan Chase
I’m very grateful for the warmth of my family, my health,and a country I live in that gives me the freedoms I enjoy. As I spend my days in my sewing room I’m grateful to have a room that encourages me to express my creativity for family ,friends and charity. Blessed that I have the tools and health to do that at 81.
Happy thanksgiving to all.
Great article and I enjoy catching up from Saskatchewan Canada to see what’s going on in the quilting world! Keep up the good work.