The Last Blog For 2023
What a wild year it has been yet again! Before we close out 2023 though, I would like to say a few parting words, make a few comments about the environment, provide a few observations, make a few predictions about 2024, talk about resolutions and sew on. In no particular order, here we go:

- On the business front, Greg and I have lots of ideas and changes in our sights for 2024 as always. We continue to look at how we can keep freight costs down for our customers. For the first half of the year, we are capping freight at 10 cents a yard for US customers and 15 cents a yard for Canadian customers. If this continues to help to drive business, we will keep it going for the entire year and potentially longer.
- We are always looking for ways to help our customers. In fact, we have a big event planned with the team at American Quilt Retailer for June that we will be rolling out soon to our valued customers. We are hoping to have a brand new website for all the brands. We hope to work on some new branding as we recently merged our companies and they are now all under Jaftex. We hope to recruit some fresh designers. Those are just a few of the ideas, but there are more that come up all the time and we will be sure to jump on them as we continue our efforts to run a smoother and more efficient business for the benefit of our valued customers.
- From the warehouse perspective, things are going well the way we divided up the brands at the different warehouse locations. We need to continue to clean things up and maintain processes to manage the inventory in each location better as there is fabric everywhere. In the Oxford location, we are hoping to continue to grow our precut business. In the G&S location, we are hoping for another acquisition as that team is primed for more work and action.

- We are always looking for new products, but this year we are really excited to start offering Minky for the first time. Hopefully, there will be more new fabrications in the future.
- On the acquisition front, it would be awesome if we could find a new target to acquire. Now that all of the recent acquisitions have been digested, we are ready to add more to the fold. This will help to keep the warehouses humming and will also help us to continue to grow our breadth and brands.
- In 2024, we will continue to reap the rewards of the change to move to selling directly into Canada as opposed to using a distributor. We just need the economy to pick up in Canada.
- On the social media side, I see lots of progress, growth and fun. Our videos are going to keep getting better with Marcus at the helm. This is going to continue to help us build up our following. Fabric-tainment will help to differentiate our companies from the competition. I will continue to be the only executive in the industry to put himself out there and I anticipate it will stay that way….just how I like it and hopefully how you like it too.
- Also, on the social media front, I see more costumes in my life and more entertaining videos like the Willy Wonka video.
- On the brand ambassador side, we are excited to see what our ambassadors continue to bring to the table to help inspire consumers. We are working with our ambassadors all the time to help make this a valuable experience for them too.
- Also, we are going to continue to expand the reach of our SIY, Sew It Yourself Hub. If you don’t know about this, make sure to check last week’s blog.
- We will continue to see Shop Hop Inc. grow to more and more states. This will be a great benefit to the industry and especially to all the shops in the states involved. Jaftex’s position as the lead event sponsor will continue to reap rewards and demonstrate our continued dedication to helping our valued customers sell the fabrics that we sell to them.
- We will continue to take legal action against people and companies that try to copy our designs and act as if they are their own. This is an ongoing problem and it is so important for us to help let the world know what designs are ours and how we don’t take copying our stuff lightly. On this front, I expect that we have some legal settlements in the future because it’s really hard to copy someone like Kaffe Fassett without everyone knowing. Yet, people keep doing it.

- It will be interesting to see what happens with the Quilt Market in 2024. In 2024, there will be only one market so we will find out if their business can survive on just that and the consumer shows. Unfortunately, I am losing confidence in Quilt Market as their decisions are so self-serving and not thoughtful when it comes to the vendors. Nonetheless, Jaftex will continue to be there to support our customers. It would be nice if some change occurred for the better, but I am not hopeful as they have been slugging along with no great plan and attendance dwindling since Covid struck. It’s such a shame because I remember when Quilt Market was rocking and rolling. If only we could bring back those days.
- I am hopeful that the economy and wars settle so everyone can have some stability in their businesses and lives.
- I am also hopeful that the presidential election will run smoothly.
- I think we will continue to see turnover on the shop level. Some shop owners will sell out and some will just close their doors and retire. Some will even close their brick and mortar to move to online selling only. This is a constant dance.
- We will definitely continue our unfettered charitable efforts in 2024. In fact, I still have plenty of sewing machines to keep giving away and we always have fabric to give away too.
- We have plans for more contests in 2024. I did want to mention that the winners of the Golden Ticket challenge will get their rewards in 2024. So two shop owners will be coming to the warehouse for a shopping spree. That should be awesome. We will be sure to share this with you on social. I can’t wait and I bet the winners can’t wait either.

- #ScottSentMe2023 really was the best one yet. The winner went to around 275 shops. That is unreal and very encouraging. I think 2024 will be even better as more and more people realize the value of this challenge.
- #ScottSentMe2024 online. I have been speaking with some people to help come up with an idea for a #ScottSentMe2024 online event for online shops. I think this is the year that will happen.
- In 2024, there will be a lot of unfulfilled resolutions, as always. For me, I have had my successes and failures with resolutions, but this year, I think I am going to forego the resolutions. We have had enough pressure recently and it doesn’t seem to be subsiding. Therefore, I am just going to keep plugging on and moving the puck forward in a positive way. Who needs the stress and pressure?
I could go on and on, but I will spare you more of my rant. However, I do want to say thank you.

Thank you for regularly reading my blog posts and commenting. Thank you for following me on Facebook @jaftexpresident. Thank you for following me on Instagram at scott_fortunoff. Thank you for following me on YouTube at Scott Fortunoff. Thank you for following me on Tik Tok @fabricfriday. Thank you for buying fabrics from my companies. Thank you for helping Jaftex to reach 94 years in the fabric business. I am looking forward to 95 years, 100 years and the 5th generation, but let’s not rush it.
See you in 2024! Peace.

Tj Wright
Thank you for the overview of your company’s year and plans for the future. Reading your insights iare very helpful for me as a designer.
Thank you, TJ Wright
Charlotte Wolfe
Thank you for your leadership, enthusiasm and reality checks!
Donna Chesnut
Blessings to you and your family!
Mary Freerks
Best of luck in the new year to you, your family and your business. Thank you for all you do.
Anita Gambrell
Thank you for the great fabrics and learning ! Everyday is a new chance to learn more about quilting and sewing. I love the hub. It’s great!
Evelyn Brenton
Thank you for keeping us all posted on the Jaftex world.
Thanks for entertaining us in the uncertain world .
Hugs and prayers