Tips for Retailers To Get On Board With #ScottSentMe21

Plus… News for Consumers on How to Win Bonus Prizes


This year is the year! It is the year that #ScottSentMe21 goes viral. I want this to be bigger than ever for the benefit of everyone that plays in our amazing fabric world. We all deserve to have some fabric fun!

It is my goal to bring lots of joy to quilters before the end of this crazy year. But also, I want to bring joy to my customers by helping them to get lots of new visitors into their stores so they can finish the year off strong.

As such, today I want to appeal to all the fabric retailers in the US and Canada that want to get involved with my challenge. As we have done in the past, we are going to invite retailers to opt-in to the ScottSentMe21 Challenge. This will serve two purposes.

One, it will let the world know that a shop is participating. However, please note that if they don’t opt-in that it doesn’t mean the ship isn’t involved, it just means they didn’t opt-in. A shop visit to a shop that doesn’t opt-in still counts as a shop visit.

Two, it will give shop owners the opportunity to entice consumers to visit their shop specifically by offering specials, promotions, giveaways, etc.

With that, here is the link for retailers to opt-in: opt-in link. To everyone reading this, please share this with all the quilt shop owners you know so we can get this contest rocking. If everyone would tell one person and that one person would tell another person, this could be gangbusters.

Like consumers, shop owners can use the proof of visit form however they deem appropriate. Shop owners should also feel free to make their own signage. Shop owners should try and make a Jaftex fabric display area within their shops that includes signage with the shop’s name so that visitors can take photos in front of them as their proof of visit. Retailers, please make a nice sign that you will be proud of since visitors will be taking photos in front of it. Make sure your sign has your store name, web address or phone # and actual address. Remember this sign will be shared on social media by consumers. You have no idea how many people will see it. This simple step is free advertising and who doesn’t like that?

Here is the link to the area of my website with all the info for this year’s challenge. Keep your eye on what’s going on there for updates.

#ScottSentMe2021 on the Main Menu

The last thing I want to mention to retailers is that they should keep their eyes out for assets that my marketing team will be sharing soon so that shop owners can help to spread the word to their followers, fans and customers. If lots of shops could share the contest details, who knows how massive this contest can be?


Now that I got all that info out there for retailers, I wanted to take a moment to remind consumers of some important information regarding #ScottSentme21.

  1. Click here to see my August 16, 2021 blog post containing all the challenge rules and details. Please read carefully.
  2. Here is the proof of visit form for you to use in photos when visiting shops.
  3. This year, I want to get the #ScottSentMe2021 Challenge Facebook group rocking. As such, during the 3 month contest, my plan is to pick winners at random for what I deem to be great #ScottSentMe2021 Facebook posts. For example, maybe I will pick a few Facebook posts that are the funniest. Or maybe I will pick photos that best show off Jaftex fabrics. Let’s just say that I will be combing the photos in an effort to find reasons to share my fabric stash with as many people as possible involved in the contest. Let’s just call it another bribe. Did I say that out loud?
  4. Keep your eye on this page to see for contest updates and to see all the great enticements offered by retailers in the US and Canada.
  5. Please spread the word to all your quilting friends, but also to all the people that you buy fabric from. The more the merrier.
  6. By the way, there will be lots of prizes. Have I mentioned that there will be prizes? I already have 10 nice ones listed, but I will be stepping things up along the way since I am running out of room in my house to store all these precuts that my team keeps sending to me. Wink wink!

In the meantime, since the contest doesn’t begin until September 1, 2021, please start to prepare your itinerary. Make sure your car is in good shape and ready for what should be an amazing fabric journey. Lastly, please join the #ScottSentMe2021 Challenge Facebook group and start talking about your plans with other like-minded consumers.

Please make sure to have fun. Please be safe. And please don’t forget that this is being sponsored by all my companies under the Jaftex Corporation umbrella (A.E. Nathan, Blank Quilting, FreeSpirit Fabrics, Henry Glass Fabrics, Studio E Fabrics, 3 Wishes and Fabric Editions). Hopefully, if you are buying something (ha, ha, ha, he said “if”), you will consider supporting the companies that are sponsoring this contest. Just sayin’. Have a great week.

Scott of #ScottSentMe2021

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