Merry Christmas & Thank You To All Jaftex Customers, Consumers and Employees

What a crazy year it has been! It has probably been the craziest in my life and I presume many of your lives as well. We have missed out on so much this year and it’s really been a bummer for sure, but we have pivoted and adjusted to the new “new.” It has definitely taken its toll on us, but we are all stronger for the better. Hopefully, this is just a blip on the radar and we will get back to some semblance of normalcy sooner rather than later. Bring on 2021!

For me, I really missed travelling around and seeing customers, consumers and employees face to face. At this time of the year especially, I am thinking about the fact that I would normally be on the Jaftex Christmas party tour.

The tour starts out with our New York Christmas party at a local restaurant near our offices. Then I work my way down south to Charlotte for a lovely dinner with the FreeSpirit team. The next day I am usually headed to the Fabric Editions Christmas party in Greenville. That party includes the Fabric Editions team as well as the customer service and credit teams for FreeSpirit. And last, but not least, I then head to Seneca to be with the G&S Warehouse crew who make the magic happen.

I must say, I am really missing all of that. I am missing the opportunity to give a proper thanks to everyone who works so hard to make Jaftex tick. At this time, I want to recognize how lucky I am to work with such an amazing and talented team of textile gurus and merchants. With that, I want to send a big hug and a big thank you to all my Jaftex employees wherever you are.

Not only that, but I want to also say thanks to all of our customers and all of you Jaftex consumers. We are here because of all of you. We made it 90 years because of all of you. We would be nothing without you. So let me say, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and thank you to all of you in my Jaftex fabric universe.

PJ Cartwright
At this time of the year we remember back to everything and everyone who played a part in making the year memorable. The entire Jaftex team from New York to South Carolina have made such a wonderful impact on our lives this year. Because you kept working, we were able to keep our small business open and our customers supplied with lovely fabrics. From quilts to masks to scrub caps and now quilting once more, dealing with the challenges of the year our entire country has been touched by Jaftex. Last week in the hospital a tech came into my husband’s hospital room wearing a scrub cap made of Jaftex fabric! Once again, karma shines. May the blessings of the holidays shine upon all – from designers, to those at the mills, and to the Jaftex company and its many employees. You have our heartfelt thanks.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Pj,
That’s very kind of you to say. Thanks for your support. Happy Holidays!
Kara Benavides
Thank you also to you and the rest of the Jaftex team! I feel so honored to get to know you on any level. Your team Must be awesome because the end product certainly is! Merry Christmas and (I am 100% sure) Happy New Years. My “must have” list of 2021 fabrics is long. But my enthusiasm is strong. Sew on!
Scott Fortunoff
Thanks so much Kara for being a great customer. We appreciate you. Happy Holidays!
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Alice,
Happy Holidays to you and your family as well. Until next year!
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Barb,
What an honor to have you on our team! You rock! Thank you. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Shelly Easley
Love love your products
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Shelly,
Thank you so much! Happy Holidays!
Janice Pope
Yes, what a year!
Really missed the three Christmas parties this year. Made me appreciate last year even more.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!!
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Janice,
I missed seeing you too! Until next year…fingers crossed.
Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Thanks for all you do.
Thank you to you Scott, and your whole team of talented people. Without them and You…we would not have the beautiful textiles that are available.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone at Jaftex.
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Sharin,
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
See you in 2021.
Maree Whitley
GIANT THANK YOUs to the entire Jaftex familia! Wishing you all the very best for 2021 and the days ahead. I’m so looking forward to “normal” again and, hopefully, crossing paths with you Scott! Take care, be safe, and keep smiling! :~D
Scott Fortunoff
Hi Maree,
Thanks for being such a great fan! We at Jaftex appreciate you. I hope to see you in 2021. Be safe and well.