Studio E Tasting Menu
Tasting menu with fabric? What could he be talking about now? I thought you would ask something like that.

I was recently pondering ways to sell more of the Studio e basics and a light bulb went off in my head. The idea was to give customers 1/2 off. No, not half off on the price, silly! Rather, half off the bolt. Are you following where I am going with this?
After much back and forth, the 1/2 off sale came to life. The idea was to get customers to buy 1/2 bolts of our basic lines. We would cut the bolts in half for them. The bolts that are normally 15 yards would be cut into 7.5-yard bolts, the 12-yard bolts would be cut into 6-yard bolts and the 10-yard bolts would be cut into 5-yard bolts. The best part of all this is that the price per yard would not change for the customer. In other words, we were not charging more for the work we were putting into making two bolts out of one.
Hmmm, what’s the catch, Scott? I knew you would be wondering what the catch was. The catch is that you have to make a larger purchase. In some cases i.e. Prismachrome and Snippets, you have to buy every bolt in the collection in a 1/2-sized bolt. In other cases i.e. Just Color, you only have to buy half of the group. That group is 47 pieces so as you can imagine, that’s a lot of bolts for one shop to take.
The theory behind this plan was to get our basics into the shops so they could see if they sell. The investment is smaller and the bolts being smaller will likely result in the fabrics selling or turning faster. In simple terms, a 15-yard bolt should take longer to sell than a 7.5-yard bolt so let’s hope that is actually the case.
I think you get the point. This isn’t brain surgery or anything. Just a fourth-generation textile executive seeking out another way to skin the cat and to allow stores to get a taste of some of the awesome Studio E basics.
With that, if you are a shop owner and you like this concept, please reach out to your sales rep and ask for all the details because the cut-off to order is March 18, 2024. There are some other perks in there too that your rep can tell you about. If you are a consumer who is in love with Studio e basics that your local shop doesn’t carry, make sure to let them know about this offer or send them this blog. The shops appreciate suggestions.
In the end, it can’t hurt to try. I will be interested to see how this plays out. In case you were interested in learning more, I included a version of the menu below…it’s just missing the pricing.

What do you think of this idea?
Barbara Nicholls
Studio E is a great brand of fabric. I’d love to see some of your choices. Also, I like buying 1/2 yard cuts of fabric.
Kim Pemberton
I have been following the Blog Hop and having a ball seeing all the new ideas. I can’t find yours though? I would love to see your choices:)
Katie Wyatt
Interesting concept and I imagine this idea will be a big success.
Keep that ‘thinking cap’ and all the best, Katie