The Last Blog For 2022
What a wild year it has been yet again! Before we close out 2022 though, I would like to say a few parting words, make a few comments about the environment, provide a few observations, make a few predictions about 2023, talk about resolutions and sew on. In no particular order, here we go:

- On the business front, Greg and I have lots of ideas and changes in our sights for 2023. We are hoping to continue our efforts to simplify and streamline our business. Our business structure has been made overly complicated over the years and it needs to be made less complicated. This is the year to change that.
- From the warehouse perspective, the change to move Blank and Stof to the new warehouse is going to help turbocharge our shipping from all of our warehouses to our customers. This will help us and our customers turn fabrics faster which will result in increased sales for all in 2023.
- In 2023, we will get to see if our efforts to sell through direct reps in Canada pays off. I am optimistic that it will as it started off well.
- On the social media side, I see lots of progress, growth and fun. Our videos are going to keep getting better with Marcus at the helm. This is going to continue to help us build up our following. Fabric-tainment will help to differentiate our companies from the competition. I will continue to be the only executive in the industry to put himself out there and I anticipate it will stay that way….just how I like it and hopefully how you like it too.
- Also, on the social media front, I see more costumes in my life and more entertaining videos like the Willy Wonka video.
- On the brand ambassador side, this is going to be the year when we really turn the corner and hit our stride. We have reviewed the past years of this program and need to mix it up. We plan on making some key changes so that our ambassadors can run on all cylinders and keep dazzling and inspiring you with their creations.
- We will continue to see Shop Hop Inc. grow to more and more states. This will be a great benefit to the industry and especially to all the shops in the states involved. This is one of the most exciting things going on in the industry to really help stir things up. Jaftex’s position as the event sponsor will continue to reap rewards and demonstrate our continued dedication to helping our valued customers sell the fabrics that we sell to them.
- It will be interesting to see what happens with Quilt Market. 2023 will be the first year that there will only be one quilt market…. Fall market. I definitely have some concerns about the future of Quilt Market as the shark’s are circling. What I mean by that is that several competing shows are stepping up their efforts to take the place of Quilt’s Inc. as the leader. VDTA & H&H are two shows that are vying to be the leader and they are being extremely aggressive in their efforts to dethrone or replace Quilt Market. In the end, I am wondering if the people (Quilt shop owners) have spoken and they just don’t have the time, money, energy or see the value in attending these shows anymore.
- I hope to see my customers reap the rewards of closing their doors. I wonder if losing as a customer combined with the challenging business environment will cause a supplier or multiple suppliers to close their doors or sell out. Perhaps Jaftex will have some opportunities to grow by acquisition as we are always looking.
- I think we will continue to see turnover on the shop level. Some shop owners will sell out and some will just close their doors and retire. Some will even close their brick and mortar to move to online selling only.
- On the big box retailer side of the business, there will be struggles too. The closing of will definitely help, but it may have come a little bit too late. Anectodely, the recent earnings report from Joann could portend the severity of the challenges that exist for big box retailers selling fabric.
- We will definitely continue our unfettered charitable efforts in 2023. In fact, I recently acquired more sewing machines to start giving those away again. We will just need to sort out some plans on how we want to do it this time around.
- We have plans for more contests in 2023. In fact, we are talking about a golden ticket idea like in the movie Willy Wonka. One prize being tossed around is a shopping spree at our warehouse. Just picture your favorite quilt shop owner running around our warehouse filling up a shopping cart with her favorite Jaftex fabrics. OMG, I am dying thinking about that.
- In 2023, there will be a lot of unfulfilled resolutions, as always. For me, I have had my successes and failures with resolutions, but this year, I think I am going to forego the resolutions. We have had enough pressure these last few years. Who needs the stress and pressure?
I could go on and on, but I will spare you more of my rant. However, I do want to say thank you.
Thank you for regularly reading my blog posts and commenting. Thank you for following me on Facebook @jaftexpresident. Thank you for following me on Instagram at scott_fortunoff. Thank you for following me on YouTube at Scott Fortunoff. Thank you for buying fabrics from my companies. Thank you for helping Jaftex to reach 93 years in the fabric business. I am looking forward to 95 years, 100 years and the 5th generation, but let’s not rush it.
See you in 2023!

Happy New Year “I was thinking about your comment in regards to Quilt Market and Houston “It will be interesting to see what happens with Quilt Market. 2023 will be the first year that there will only be one quilt market…. Fall market. I definitely have some concerns about the future of Quilt Market as the shark’s are circling. ” If Quilt Market was taken over by another company and moved, I wonder how that would affect Houston International Show.
Shelley W.
As a new shop owner I love all the information you share. You are fun, realistic, educational and inspirational. Thank you and best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2023!
Michele T
A fabulous year and a bright outlook for the next year!!! Love your positive vibes!!
Lisa j DeBord
As I find my shop turning to a greater percentage of Jaftex products, I appreciate your continual thoughts and inspirations. We are a smaller community away from any metro areas, so sometimes things have to be adapted to fit our market-but you always give us something to think about.
Pat Sautter
Happy New Year! You are a bright light in my life each and every time I watch one of your videos or read a post. You keep us all upbeat right along with you. Thanks!
Please consider having a booth at a cosplay convention. Or just attend …so you can see all the young and amazing sewers and makers. Maybe attend…Dragon Con in Atlanta. There are so many cosplayers who also sew items beyond costumes.
Rose Helmbright
Love reading your blogs! I have been bed bound and am just catching up with emails. Love your letters.
I enjoy how open and honest you are on so many levels. I look forward to seeing what changes you implement to streamline your company for continued growth and success. Happy New Year!
Sherri Huff
Scott, I really enjoy reading your blog posts. Sounds like Jaftex has a lot of cool things in the hopper!
Wishing all a healthy, happy and sew on…New Year!
I’m always impressed with your insight and your determination to be the best in the market. Your videos and social media have really helped to elevate the Jaftex companies. The golden ticket idea sounds marvelous and fun. I’m really glad you are going to restart the machine give-a-ways again as a way to encourage and help people that really need it. Love seeing your family in the videos and really liked the videos from your designers this year towards the holiday times. Happy New Year to you and your family?
Katie Wyatt
Without going into much detail I’m just going to say this is the best blog post to date … informative and insightful with just the right about of ‘tease factor’ to keep us in suspense and on the edge of our seats for things planned in 2023. There is only one Scott Fortunoff and I’m honored to say that I know him. All the best to you, the fam and the business for continued success in 2023!
Kara E Benavides
Resolutions for 2023: Buy more fabric; sew more seams; watch more videos from Jaftex; dream of shopping sprees in the big, big warehouses!
Cliff Garfinkel
Great blog. You set the tone for 2023
Thank you for your post and I hope you and Jaftex have a great 2023!
Nancy Miller
Interesting that you reflect on the effect the closure of may make on the market. As an individual consumer who lives far from any fabric shop but sews both garments and quilts as a primary pastime, that website was one of the best single online sources for the variety of fabrics that I would frequently want. The redirection to go to Amazon has been a miserable failure. Amazon does many things well, but not fabric. Fortunately there are numerous other quilt shops and garment fabric sources online. Surely other online fabric buyers will, as I have, search out other sources and in the end buy just as much fabric-Jaftex’s and others’.
Cindy Goodman
Happy New Year Scott! Thank you for all you do for us shop owners! I know I surely appreciate it all…looking forward to 2023 and whatever you and your team comes up with…I love the idea of the golden ticket! That sure would be a blast to do !
Jeannie Zimmerman
Thanks for all your fun and hardworking things you do for quilting.
I love the craft and have an obsession for fabrics. Best wishes for 2023 Jaftex!
Janice Matson
I appreciate your blogs and videos, keep up the good work. I love selling fabric, can’t think of anything else I’d rather do as far as working goes. 2023 I plan on purchasing more collections, it’s going to be my best year in sales. Happy New Year!
Dianne Shorter
Love the idea of shop owner getting a golden ticket to fill a cart(s) with lovely fabric from the factory.
Pepper Cory
Your blogs are great. I really feel you speak directly yo your readers. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on market trends/future moves. Open communication like this will always draw readers/customers to you. Let’s all have a happy and prosperous new year in 2023!
Janet Braddock
Just started following but I also am praying for an exciting 2023…
Annie Unrein
I always appreciate your insight and enjoyed reading what you have planned for 2023. We look forward to continuing to work with the Jaftex companies, too. Here’s to a great year!
Mary Freerks
The best of 2023 for you and your family and company! Thank you for all you do for everyone.
Janet Casswell-Beckmann
Happy New Year Scott and Fam
Continue to grow your business as quilters live it!
Thx for your continued ingenuity!
Theresa Burton
I sincerely hope that your successful in boosting the fabric business. It all starts with encouraging our younger generations to be creative and learn to sew as a medium to express themselves. There’s no greater feeling than creating a special gift for others and giving from the heart.
Chelsea o’hayre
It’s interesting (and enjoyable) to gain your insight into the industry. We are seeing the winds of change, and it will be interesting to see what maket eventually becomes.
Deborah Elliott
You are always a bright spot in my day, keep up all that you do, wishing you much success with Family & Fabric in 2023
Barbara Heyden
Sounds like it will be a fabulous year , change is always good to keep a business growing. Happy New Year!
Trisha ersland
You are a bright star with your contagious enthusiasm!
Best wishes for 2023!