The Moment We Have All Been Waiting For: #ScottSentMe2021 Begins
Consumers, start your engines! Get ready! Get set! Go on September 1, 2021, to November 30, 2021, to as many quilt shops as possible in the US & Canada! September 1, 2021, is when the #ScottSentMe2021 Challenge begins which is being brought to you by me and my Jaftex Companies. If you don’t know the rules of the challenge and want to learn more, please click here for the details.

Before you go out though, I want to make sure that you are fully prepared. As such, please note the following:
- Make sure to check out this list to see all the stores that have opted into the challenge. Moreover, check the listings further to see what enticing offers those shops are proposing to entice you to come and visit their shop. Don’t forget that just because a shop isn’t listed that it doesn’t mean that they aren’t part of the challenge. All quilt shops visited will be counted for the challenge.
- Consider checking out the shop tour videos from my August Jaftex Facebook Live Shop Tour Video Challenge on my @jaftexpresident Facebook page to come up with ideas as to what shops you should be visiting. You can also check this hashtag #JaftexVideoChallenge on Facebook too.
- Make sure you bring a few copies of this flyer so you can use that in all your shop visit proof photos. Don’t forget that the challengers that visit the most shops will have to have very clear proof of all the shops visited. That is why we made this proof of visit form for you. If you want, you can decorate it if you want to spice things up and make it stand out in the photos. You might want to do that because I am going to be picking random weekly winners from the #ScottSentMe2021 Challenge Facebook Group. By the way, if you haven’t joined that #ScottSentMe2021 Challenge, please join by clicking here and be active in the group.
- If you plan on driving around during the challenge, please make sure that your car is in good order among other things. That means you should be checking the tires, gas, oil, wiper fluid, etc. But also, please make sure you have a map or Waze or some other app to get you around and so you don’t get lost. Make sure you have a spare tire. Make sure your AAA registration is up to date. Make sure that you have phone chargers. Make sure you have cash, credit cards and your license. Make sure your AC is working. Make sure you have snacks and beverages. Just make sure you are ready for anything that my be thrown your way as you can’t afford to be sidetracked from all the fun you are about to have.
- And most importantly, please make sure that you have masks and other protective gear because some states you visit may have different Covid rules from your own state.
Outside of all that, I want to remind you of the names of all of my companies so that hopefully when you are travelling around, you will consider buying fabrics from my companies who are sponsoring this challenge and lots of other fun events for consumers. My companies include: The Blank Quilting Corp., FreeSpirit Fabrics, Henry Glass Fabrics & Co., Inc., Studio E Fabrics, A.E. Nathan Co., Inc. and 3 Wishes.
And outside of all that, all I want you to do is have fun and be safe. Yes, winning is always great, but by visiting so many shops, everyone will win by gaining so much exposure to our awesome world of quilt shops and gorgeous fabrics. That in and of itself is the gift and the prize. Bon voyage!
For all you quilt shop owners out there, I have a few quick comments for you.
- If you didn’t opt-in to the challenge and offer an enticing special yet, please do that here.
- Please consider setting up a spot in your shop with lots of Jaftex fabrics so that customers can take great photos in front of them. In addition, you might want to even consider one of those faux picture frames with your name on it that the people could hold when taking photos. Moreover, you might want to have this sign filled out, decorated and around for when people want to take photos. Make your shop shine!
- We will be sending out assets for you to share information about this challenge with all your customers, fans and followers. Stay tuned for that heading your way any day now. Please make sure to make all efforts to use the assets to help spread the word. We have tried to make it as easy as possible for you because we know you are busy. If every owner spreads the word, this contest can be bigger than ever and bigger than any fabric contest that came before it. That would be a boon for my customers, consumers and our fabric industry. It would also bode well for #ScottSentMe2022! Yes, we will be doing this next year too!
- Lastly, I want to reiterate this to shop owners as this tactic could be very fruitful too. Here is something very simple to consider that would prove to be a massive contribution to making this contest grow exponentially. Starting on September 1, 2021, tell every person that walks into your shop about the challenge. Share the rules with them. Then, tell them that your shop is the first one that they are visiting. Give them the sign and have them take a photo. After that, it will be up to them to go visit more shops, but at least you made an effort to help contribute to the contest’s participation level. If you do that and several other shops do it, we can really ramp things up. This doesn’t have to be that hard to promote.
In closing, let me just say that I am really proud about this contest. It kind of formed out of thin air and has blossomed into something with a massive potential benefit to our industry and fabric world. For consumers that love fabric, this should serve as an awesome adventure exploring the world of fabric that you adore. For shop owners, this is an opportunity to get lots of new customers to your shop.
Without further ado, let’s do this! GO! GO! GO!