The Summer Of Scott & Laurie
Due to Covid last year, my boys A & B unfortunately were unable to attend summer camp since it was fully canceled. That was probably the first time that ever happened in the history of camp.

In any case, my wife and I were fortunate to spend the entire summer of 2020 with them and then some (note sarcasm). For most this wouldn’t be a big deal, but after you have experienced an entire summer with your kids away for 7 weeks, you would understand where I was coming from. And YES, it is 7 weeks…..of silence. LOL.
This year, camp is fortunately back on, but it is going to look a little different. For one, the kids won’t be taking a bus to camp. We will have to drive them…three hours each way, but on the way home it will only be Laurie & Scott.

My big A should be fine as he is almost 13 years old and experienced, but you never know what you will get from B5G. I sure hope he goes easily without too much crying or no crying at all for that matter. Speaking of crying, Laurie and I will probably be crying the entire way home…..with tears of joy. I am so mean….I mean honest. LOL.
But seriously, we love these two little brats. It has just been a long run with a lot of time at home, avoiding public places, playing on the phones, watching Youtube and TikTok, wasting money on sports cards, playing video games, lots of TV and lots of laziness. They need this summer break now more than ever. It’s a toss-up as to who needs it more. The boys? Or the parents?

Another thing that will be different this year is that we will not be able to visit the boys at the mid-point of the summer for visiting day. The camp needs to keep the place Covid free and safe and I don’t blame them for that decision to keep the germs out. This however will add a new element to camp for the entire family because now it will be 49 days of not seeing each other. This will be the longest amount of time we have ever been apart from each other. I guess it will be a growing experience for all.

In spite of my jokes about the joy of having the kids gone, I will certainly miss them. The house will not be the same at all. I guess that is the gift and the curse of silence.

I am very excited for the kids because they definitely need this break. I am hopeful that it revitalizes them and helps to propel them into the next school year when things will hopefully be back to normal.
Wish us a all luck. Happy Summer to you and your family!